Research Projects


I’ve been working with research since 1986 accomplishing different projects. One of them (TABA Project) represented a long-term software engineering research project, which aimed to build an infrastructure for Software Engineering Environments. Several of my initial papers are regarding it. Actually, some software companies in Brazil made use of Software Engineering Environments instantiated using TABA’s technology to support their software processes. More information about it can be found at TABA Project’s home page. Besides, there are other projects still regarding Software Engineering Environments and Infrastructures concerned with the software engineering group that someway I collaborate. You can find information about them accessing LENS, our Laboratory of Software Engineering.

I joined the Experimental Software Engineering Group (ESEG) at the Department of Computer Science-University of Maryland, where I spent 2 years (98-00) working with them. During that time we defined and empirically validated a new family of reading techniques to identify defects in UML based object oriented design, called OORT’s. Besides, different projects were also accomplished, including the definition of a Product Line Approach for Flight Software (satellite domain - together with the Software Engineering Laboratory/NASA) and frameworks to support empirical studies in Software Engineering. You can find further information about most of these topics at the ESEG.

One of the areas that I’m pretty motivated to work is regarding Experimental Software Engineering. Therefore, I am investing efforts since 2001 on building a framework to support studies' packaging and aiming at to define a methodology to support the development of new Software Engineering technologies. Please, visit our ESE homepage at COPPE/UFRJ to get information about the different research topics and projects we are accomplishing within the Experimental Software Engineering Group..

Besides all applied research activities we do acompplish with the industry, the Context-Awareness Testing for Ubiquitous Systems (CAcTUS) project is in the focus of my academic research concerns. It involves three different universities (two in Brazil and one in France) collaborating to d

efine a measurement-based approach for context-awareness testing to assess the quality of actor-computer interaction for ubiquitous systems. CNPq (Brazilian Research Council) is supporting the funding regarding the research activities. It involves the undertaken of secondary and primary studies, which the results can be viewed at CAcTUS portal.

Considering the previous information is not enough yet, please contact me.
