Prof. Luiz Arthur S. Faria (PESC) participated in the 7th Biennial RAMICS International Congress in Italy “The Future of Money: Democracy, Localism and Inclusion”, held in Rome, Italy, between November 6th and 9th (2024). This was the seventh edition of the conference of the Research Association on Monetary Innovation and Community and Complementary Currency Systems (RAMICS). See more by clicking here.

The professor, who had received the "best paper" award in the previous edition with the article "Centralizing or sharing the digital community currencies governances? Proposing ways of thinking DCCs from the Mumbuca case", presented the proposal that Rio de Janeiro host the next meeting of the association, to be held in the first half of 2026. The state has been standing out for its experiences of digital social currencies connected to municipal public income transfer policies, in cities such as Niterói, Maricá, Itaboraí, Cabo Frio, Iguaba Grande, Saquarema, Porciúncula and Macaé - other cities in the state, such as Rio de Janeiro, are discussing similar policies.  The proposal was accepted, and the event will be organized by the professor and other researchers on the subject in Rio de Janeiro - from UFF (Universidade Federal Fluminense), and IFRJ (Instituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro) - also counting on the support of CEMIF FGV EAESP (Center for Microfinance and Financial Inclusion - Fundação Getúlio Vargas - School of Business Administration of São Paulo) and UFBA (Federal University of Bahia).

Participation in the congress was very fruitful, also due to the presentation of the article "Digital social currencies in the state of Rio de Janeiro and their diversity: from communities to cities, from microcredit to basic income" and through connections with various researchers on the topic, which point to the growing importance of studying digitalization processes in this knowledge community.

See more about the Research Association on Monetary Innovation and Community and Complementary Currency Systems (RAMICS) by clicking here.

Congratulations Prof. Luiz Arthur!



Below are some photos from the event



Published on 01/08/2025.