The 2018/1 graduates in the Computer and Information Engineering (ECI) undergraduate degree of UFRJ honored Professor Daniel Ratton Figueiredo (as "paraninfo") and the staff member Cláudia Helena Prata, interim secretary of the course.


The solemn commencement ceremony of was organized by the Polytechnic School of UFRJ and occurred on 10/30/2018, in the Horta Barbosa Auditorium (CT, Bl. A). Graduates of five engineering courses from the Polytechnic School (Environmental, Computer and Information, Control and Automation, Oil, and Electronics and Computing) participated in the ceremony, accompanied by family members and friends who filled the auditorium. The ECI class had nine graduates, all present at the ceremony and recorded in the photos below.


Congratulations to the graduates and our honorees!


In the first photo (from left to right): Bruno Dias Martins, Marcos Aurélio Constant de Souza Filho, Rodolfo Machado Brandão Costa, Carlos Eduardo Menezes dos Anjos, Thiago de Lima Vasconcelos, Heitor Rodrigues Guimarães, Daniel Ratton Figueiredo, Lucas de Carvalho Gomes, Vinícius Silva Campos, Felipe Podolan Oliveira.


In the second photo (from left to right): Cláudia Helena Prata, Daniel Ratton Figueiredo, Heitor Rodrigues Guimarães, Rodolfo Machado Brandão Costa, Lucas de Carvalho Gomes, Vinícius Silva Campos, Marcos Aurélio Constant de Souza Filho, Carlos Eduardo Menezes dos Anjos, Thiago de Lima Vasconcelos.