The book written by Prof. Jayme Luiz Szwarcfiter "Teoria Computacional de Grafos: Os Algoritmos" has been awarded the Elon Lages de Lima 2019 Prize.


This prize has been set up jointly by the Braziian Mathematical Society (SBM) and by the Brazilian Applied and Computational Mathematics Society (SBMAC), and it is directed to texts published in Brazil, within all areas of mathematics.


This is a book already widely used, motivated by its strongly appealing subject, given the necessity of basic knowledge on Data Science. The text combines accuracy expositions, without neglecting applications. it combines subjects of active research (in "pure" and "applied" methods) and computer implementations, written in up-to-date computer languages, it is an example of the prolific interation between the aspects of Mathematics represented by the two Societies.


Jayme is an Emeritous Professor at UFRJ, and besides PESC he is also related to the Institute of Mathematics and the Núcleo de Computação Eletrônica. Jayme is a CNPq Researcher, level 1-A. 


The Elon Lages Lima Prize, jointly set up by the Brazilian Mathematical Society (SBM) and Brazilian Applied and Computacional Mathematics (SBMAC), aims to promote and motivate production of national bibliography, devoted to basic formation and dissemination de knowledge in the area 


The award cerimony will take place during the Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática, at IMPA, located at Horto Florestal, on 31/07/2019, wednesday, from 4 to 5 pm.


Congratulations to Jayme for this prize!