The Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC) launches its first document with Recommendations on AI. See the news on the ABC website by clicking here.

The document will be launched on November 9, at 11 am, at the headquarters of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, in Rio de Janeiro. Members of the working group will give a presentation on the topic and answer questions from the press.

Coordinated by the vice-president of ABC for the Minas Gerais and Central-West region, Virgilio Almeida, who is professor emeritus of Computer Science at the Federal University of Minas Gerais and researcher at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University, the The group included the participation of 16 researchers from different areas, such as computer sciences, social sciences, physics, health, among others.

They are part, together with Almeida, of Adalberto Fazzio (USP), Altigran Soares da Silva (UFAM), Anderson da Silva Soares (UFG), André Carlos Ponce de Leon Ferreira de Carvalho (USP), Edmundo Albuquerque de Souza e Silva (PESC/UFRJ), Elisa Reis (UFRJ), Fabio Gagliardi Cozman (USP), Helder Nakaya (Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein), José Roberto Boisson de Marca (PUC-Rio), Luís Lamb (UFRGS), Mário Veiga Ferraz Pereira (PSR), Nivio Ziviani (UFMG), Soraia Raupp Musse (PUC-RS), Teresa Bernarda Ludermir (UFPE) and Wagner Meira Júnior (UFMG).

Congratulations Prof. Edmundo for this achievement!





Published on 11/08/2023.