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Seminário: Alexandre Stauffer, Università Roma Tre (Italy) 
Quarta-feira, 17 Julho 2019, 11:00 - 13:00

Semana que vem temos mais uma palestra do Ciclo de Seminários PESC com a presença do Prof. Alexandre Stauffer (Univ. Roma Tre, Univ Bath) que cursou seu mestrado no PESC antes de sair para o doutorado em Berkeley. Alexandre é um jovem fera de modelos probabilísticos em redes, misturando intuição computacional com matemática avançada, e colaborando com probabilistas de grande renome. Sua palestra no PESC sobre competição por espaço entre agentes aleatórios promete ser bem interessante, e encontra aplicações em processos competitivos reais.


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Alexandre Stauffer, Associate Professor, Università Roma Tre (Italy) and Reader, University of Bath (England)



Competition in randomly growing processes



17/7 (quarta) - 11h - sala H-324B



We consider 2-type random growth processes that compete for space over time. This is by now a classical topic in probability theory. The standard behavior expected from such processes is that, when the two types have different speeds of growth, then one of the types (usually the faster one) "wins" against the other. This means that the winning type grows indefinitely, whereas the other type stops growing after a finite amount of time. It is quite rare to find natural models showing coexistence, which refers to the situation when both types grow indefinitely. In this talk I will discuss a random growth model, which we introduced as a tool to analyze a well-known model of dendritic growth from physics. This growth model can also be regarded as a model for blocking the spread of fake news in a network. We will discuss the 

behavior of this process, its phase transition and the occurrence of coexistence.


This talk is based on joint works with Elisabetta Candellero, Tom Finn and Vladas Sidoravicius.


Bio resumida:

Alexandre Stauffer is an Associate Professor at the Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica of the Università Roma Tre, and also a Reader at the Department of Mathematical Sciences of the University of Bath. He currently holds a EPSRC Early Career Fellowship, a major grant from the UK Research Council. He obtained his Ph.D. in 2011 from the University of California, Berkeley, and held a post-doctoral position at Microsoft Research.

