
The Basic Andorra model has been implemented in the form of a prototype parallel Prolog system called Andorra-I. Andorra-I supports the full Prolog language and, in addition, is able to support programs which use implicit coroutining in the style of committed-choice languages. The Andorra-I system runs both on sequential machines and on shared-memory multiprocessors, in particular the Sequent Symmetry. On multiprocessor machines it provides completely transparent exploitation of both dependent and-parallelism and or-parallelism. In its exploitation of or-parallelism, it follows closely the or-parallel Prolog system, Aurora. In its exploitation of dependendent and-parallelism, it follows closely the parallel Parlog system, JAM.

The Basic Andorra model is an execution model for logic programs. The initial motivation of the model was the transparent exploitation of dependent and-parallelism and or-parallelism in logic programs, but the model can also be seen as providing an elegant combination of Prolog and flat committed choice languages.

The Basic Andorra model uses the idea developed by Prof. D H D Warren that goals which do not have to guess what clause to try (determinate goals) should be executed before other goals, and that these goals can be executed in parallel. In more detail

If you need any further information or reports on Bristol's work on parallel logic programming systems, please have a look at Tony's Home Page.

Tony's home page. Aurora. The Bristol scheduler.