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Semináriodo PESC: Patrick Valduriez (Inria) 
Wednesday, 26 July 2017, 11:00 -  1:00

O Ciclo de Seminários PESC volta a carga, com a presença do ilustre e influente pesquisador Patrick Valduriez, do Inria (França), que está nos visitando por conta de um projeto de cooperação internacional com a prof. Marta Mattoso (PESC). 

Data Science (ou Ciência dos Dados) é o tema de sua palestra, que é central a atual revolução que vem acontecendo na Computação: dados é o óleo que faz girar Big Data e Machine Learning! 

A palestra é imperdível para quem deseja conhecer melhor o buzz e os recentes desafios que vem movimentando a nossa área.

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Patrick Valduriez, Senior Researcher, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, LIRMM, France



Data Science: opportunities and risks



Quarta, 26 de julho, 11h, sala H-324B



Data has been quoted as the new oil, to reflect that big data can be turned into high-value information and new knowledge. Although data analysis has been around for a while, starting with statistics and evolving lately into exploratory data analysis, data mining and business intelligence, the new dimensions of big data (volume, variety, velocity, etc.) make it very hard to process and analyze data, and derive good conclusions. To address this grand challenge, data science is emerging as a new science that combines computer science, statistics and machine learning, visualization and human-computer interactions to collect, clean, integrate, analyze and visualize big data. The ultimate goal is to create new data products and services, as well as training legions of data scientists. In this talk, I will introduce data science, including big data and cloud technologies. I will illustrate the main opportunities and risks, in particular by telling my favorite stories about the good, the bad and the ugly. Finally, I will discuss the new challenges in combining HPC and big data analytics.


Bio resumida:

Patrick Valduriez is a senior researcher at INRIA, heading the Zenith team in Montpellier. He has also been a professor of Computer Science at University Paris 6 (1999-2002) and a researcher at Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corp. in Austin, Texas (1985-1989). He received his Ph. D. degree and Doctorat d'Etat in CS from University Paris 6 in 1981 and 1985, respectively. His research focuses on big data management, in particular distributed and parallel data management. He has authored and co-authored over 250 technical papers and several textbooks, among which "Principles of Distributed Database Systems". He has been a member of the SIGMOD board, a trustee of the VLDB endowment and an associate editor of several journals, including ACM TODS, the VLDB Journal, Distributed and Parallel Databases, and Internet and Databases. He has served as PC chair of major conferences such as PDIS93, SIGMOD97, VLDB98 (industrial chair), VLDB99 (European chair). He was the general chair of SIGMOD04, EDBT08 and VLDB09. He was the recipient of the 1993 IBM scientific prize in CS in France. He obtained the best paper award at VLDB00. He was awarded the 2014 Inria - Académie des Sciences - Dassault Systems Innovation Prize. He is a Fellow of the ACM.
