Professors Jayme Szwarcfiter and Daniel Ratton - both from PESC - participate in the roundtable "An Introduction to Data Science: Algorithmic Emphasis" at the Brazilian Colloquium of Mathematics.

The Brazilian Mathematical Colloquium is the most comprehensive scientific meeting of the Brazilian mathematical community and takes place from August 2nd to 6th. See more details by clicking here.

The roundtable theme is the course presented this year at the colloquium and its authors Luerbio Faria (UERJ), Fabiano Oliveira (UERJ), Paulo Pinto (UERJ) and Jayme Szwarcfiter (UFRJ and UERJ) receive four guests: André Ponce de Leon ( USP), Daniel Ratton (UFRJ), Karla Figueiredo (UERJ) and Wagner Meira Junior (UFMG).

It will be on August 5th, at 11 am, with a YouTube broadcast (see by clicking here).


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