LUDES - Laboratory of Ludology, Engineering and Simulation, led by Prof. Geraldo Xexéo, was once again awarded at SBGames 2022 - held in Natal between October 23 and 27, 2022 - this time with the first two places in the short articles.

Marcus Parreiras (PhD student), Tales Paiva (Master’s student), Geraldo Xexéo, Clinton Pessoa (Master’s student), and Yasmin Lima (EBA student) received second place in the Arts and Design track, as the article “Battle of Legends: A proposal of board game for cultural valorization of Brazilian folklore”.

And again…

Marcus Parreiras, Tales Paiva and Geraldo Xexéo, received first place, with the article “Investigating the Flow of Knowledge in FAQs of Board Games”.

Congratulations to the students, LUDES and PESC!





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