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Aprendizado de Máquina Aplicado a Classificação de Documentos Jurídicos em Ambiente de Baixo Poder Computacional
Master's thesis |
Data and Knowledge Engineering |
9/1/2022 |
A Low-Cost Continuous Development Architecture Based on Container Orchestration
Master's thesis |
Software Engineering |
9/1/2022 |
Reverse Branch Target Buffer Poisoning
Technical Report |
Computer Architecture and Operating Systems |
9/2022 |
Distribuição de Pedidos de Patente em Português
Master's thesis |
Data and Knowledge Engineering |
8/31/2022 |
Estratégias para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável e as Partes Interessadas
Technical Report |
Data and Knowledge Engineering |
8/2022 |
Explorações em Mineração de Texto
Technical Report |
Data and Knowledge Engineering |
8/2022 |
On (In)Tractability of Connection and Cut Problems
Doctoral Thesis |
Algorithms and Combinatorics |
7/11/2022 |
Dislocation Hyperbolic Augmented Lagrangian Function (Função Lagrangiana Hiperbólica de Deslocamento)
Technical Report |
Mathematical Optimization |
7/2022 |
Resilient and Secure Deep Learning-Oriented Microarchitectures
Doctoral Thesis |
Artificial Intelligence |
6/9/2022 |
Estruturas Especiais em Dígrafos com Grau de Saída Mínimo Prescrito: Florestas de Ciclos e Feedback Arc Sets
Master's thesis |
Algorithms and Combinatorics |
6/8/2022 |